Research | FAQ's

Research | FAQ's

A Mobile Hearing Care

Our Brain

Our brain actually determines what we hear. Our ears collect all the sounds. Then sounds go through a complex process to reach our brain. Your right ear sends the sound to the left side of the brain. Your left ear sends the sound to the right side of the brain. Hearing is a full brain process. You age your brain faster with an untreated hearing loss. Hearing Aids are a medical device and are medicine for the brain without ingesting another pill.
Call us and schedule your hearing evaluation. (866) 922-6677


Confusion begins as simply as confusing a 'b' for a 't', or a 'p' for a 'd' claim hearing research studies. This is how brain confusion begins and 'snowballs' from there. Modern medicine can transplant and/or replace most of the parts of our body, but as of yet, no successful brain transplants have been reported. More and more research studies conclude that hearing loss also has a direct connection with many medical conditions.
Have ringing in ears then hearing aids my help. (866) 922-6677

A Mobile Hearing Care
A Mobile Hearing Care

Add to the Quality of Your Life

Hearing aids keep you in the conversation whether on the phone, at the dinner table, or at family gatherings. Hearing aids are definitely a safety factor in the home and especially when driving. Turn that TV down today! Loudness does not mean clarity!! People are not mumbling. It's your hearing loss. Because the more you know, the more you know how important it is to treat your hearing loss. We're here to help you feel like you again. Call us and schedule your hearing evaluation. (866) 922-6677

Frequently Asked Questions